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When you're trying to get traditionally published, finding a literary agent seems like the ultimate goalpost. You may know in theory that a majority of your career happens afterward, but when you're...
Editors make your work better. They bring a fresh set of eyes to your writing, not only to catch typos and grammar errors but to work with you to bring your vision to the next level. A good editor i...
"Traditional publishing isn’t for everyone." Have you heard this advice before? Whether you’re a cross-genre author writing outside the mainstream, a hybrid author who prefers the control the self-p...
After working for months, or even years, on your novel, the moment you release it to the world will be the greatest time of your life. But whether you’re publishing independently or traditionally, y...
You’ve done it: You finished your manuscript, revised it, received feedback on it from your critique partners, and maybe even paid to have it professionally edited. If you’re opting for the traditio...
Have you ever been asked by a friend, “What’s your book about?” If you’re like most writers, you know what it’s like to feel tongue-tied after hearing this question. How could you possibly boil your...
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