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Editing your novel can feel overwhelming. Once you've finished editing the big picture of your story and made major revisions that affect the story as a whole, where do you go next? The second stage...
One of the most essential tools for any writer is thoughtful and constructive criticism from beta readers they trust. Having a group of beta readers can make all the difference in helping you reach ...
Have you ever lost interest in a book that you were once engrossed in? It's frustrating for both readers and writers. There are many reasons readers put down books, but it's crucial for authors to u...
Clarity is an essential part of storytelling. It's the bridge that connects the author’s imagination with the reader’s understanding. You can spend months scripting a fantastic plot, creating charac...
One of the key decisions you'll need to make as you're writing a novel or short story is which verb tense to use. In fiction, tense is used to describe when things happen. Typically, books are writt...
Do you feel like your plot is dragging on and on? Are you worried readers will get bored halfway through and put your book down? If so, then you might need to work on your narrative pacing. A well-pac...
Scenes are more than just witty dialogue, shocking twists, or romantic moments— they are the fundamental unit of fiction and the foundation of the emotional connection between your story and the reade...
Whether it’s a budding new romance, betrayal of a family member, or the revelation of a secret past, there are many ways to write a subplot that enhances your story. When done well, these plotlines ...
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