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When discussing platforms for book marketing, many people may point to social networks like Instagram or TikTok, but what about YouTube? While YouTube is a powerful search engine and is used for many ...
In today's competitive publishing landscape, standing out and gaining visibility can be challenging. How can you ensure that your books are noticed by media outlets, book reviewers, and readers alike?...
Have you ever struggled to categorize your writing? Are you unsure whether your novel is a romance, contemporary fiction, or women's fiction? Or maybe you're writing a book that blends multiple genre ...
If you are a reader, you may already be familiar with Goodreads. The platform allows you to track and review books you’re reading, create curated digital bookshelves, participate in reading challenges...
When publishing a novel, it’s important to keep your ideal reader in mind. What does "ideal reader" even mean? Your ideal reader is your target market. They're the person who will be eager to pick up ...
If you’ve ever tried to pitch your novel to an agent, publisher, or writing contest, you’ve probably been asked to compare it to other existing works, to give readers a better idea of your book. Com...
Your manuscript is ready to query, you have a list of agents to contact, and you’re ready to draft the all-important query letter. As you prepare to send your letter to agents, there’s another piece o...
Author platforms are a must-have in any author’s career in the digital age. But what is an author platform, anyway? Is it just social media? Your website? That blog you created with a handful of pos...
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