Unlock the Secret Code of Bestselling Novels

Discover the 15 key story "beats" found in all successful novels and use them to write your own with our FREE Save the Cat! Starter Kit. Includes breakdowns of popular novels plus a template to craft your own bestseller!


Plotting & Outlining

What is a Beat Sheet?

You’ve come up with a premise for a novel you can’t wait to explore. You have an idea of the characters, the setting, and even a handful of scenes you definitely want to include. But without a comprehensive plo...

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How to Use the Snowflake Method: 10 Easy Steps to Outline Your Novel

Writing a novel is never easy! Most people dream of writing a book, but many writers struggle to even finish the first dr...

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What is the Hero's Journey? How to Structure Your Novel in 12 Steps

From Star Wars to Toy Story to Divergent, the hero’s journey is a classic story structure used in many beloved tales. But wha...

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How to Outline Your Novel: 3 Ways to Create a Story Roadmap

Have you ever had an idea for a novel but aren’t sure how to start writing, let alone finish a whole first draft? You might eve...

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What are Pinch Points? Tips to Enhance Your Story Structure

Tension and excitement are crucial to keeping readers engaged with your story. One of the ways writers achieve this in fiction is through a narrative techniq....

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Plot versus Story: What's the Difference?

The words “plot” and “story” are often used interchangeably. Plot and story, however, are two very different elements of a novel. So what is the difference betw...

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Scenes versus Chapters: What's the Difference?

When structuring your novel, should you break up the story into scenes or chapters? Is there a difference? In this post, we'll ta...

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How to Use the Five-Point Finale

“Wow, I can’t stop thinking about that story! It was so good!” Every writer dreams of hearing this response from their readers...

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Plot-Driven versus Character-Driven: What's the Difference?

Whether you’re the kind of writer who outlines their whole story before starting or the type who loves the journey of discove....

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More Plotting Tips

Let's Plot Your Novel Together!

Join me, Jessica Brody, in the Writing Mastery Academy to transform your story idea into a well-plotted, compelling novel that keeps readers riveted! Plus, you’ll get access to in-depth courses, expert advice, and a supportive community to guide you every step of the way.

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