Writing Mastery Community
Writing can be a solitary endeavor, but it doesn't have to be. As a Writing Mastery member, you'll become part of a thriving, positive community of writers of all skill levels, from around the world.

100% Writers. No Distractions.
The Writing Mastery Community is a private community just for writers like you who want to learn more about writing and improve their skills. It's not a Facebook Group, so there are no distractions.
With dedicated topic areas for each course, plus topics for staying accountable to achieving your goals, finding critique partners, discussing specific genres, or just talking shop, the Community is there to support you on every step of your writing journey.
Here are a few things you'll find in the Community

Course Topics
Share progress, ask questions, answer questions, and chat with fellow writers taking the same course as you

Genre Discussions
Chat with other writers working on similar projects in your genre

Writing Sprints
Why write alone? Join a scheduled sprint, or create one any time to challenge and motivate yourself to write more!

Monthly Challenges
Fun and motivating challenges every month to help you stay motivated and get to know your fellow members

Critique Partners
Find critique partners and beta readers to help you get more eyes on your work

Goals & Accountability
Simply announcing your goals to others has a HUGE impact on your success. And you've got a place just for this!

Writers Only
This is not a Facebook group. It's a community of 100% writers, so there are no distractions
What Members are Saying About the Writing Mastery Community

Unlock the Community (and more) in my Writing Mastery Academy!
Join me, Jessica Brody, in the Writing Mastery Academy where you'll get immediate access to the Writing Mastery Community, in-depth courses, and expert advice to guide you through every stage of your writing journey!